a couple more pix

We had a mini poker night last night at S's. We'd invited a number of people, but it was just TD and I that showed. Oh well. I came in second, but by that point, was so far behind, and getting such crappy cards that I had no real chance. I miss the larger poker nights of days gone by. Maybe someday. Today was a lethargic day. I got a packet of drawings and inventories together for the next designer, and got those mailed off. Only then did I discover that she really does have an email address, but just not listed on the contact sheet. Maybe I can mail her files for hookup sheets later. Funny how we come to expect people to have email access. Although two ladies of my acquaintance hate it, and after being on a computer all day at work, doing accounts and data entry, the last thing they want is to go home and get on the computer as well. I find it indispensible now. Gotta have my Fark and my blogs.
Well, in this case the painter and the designer aren't always the same person. S painted a lot of the rocks in the forest stuff, while M did the mural and medallion. Overall, not a huge fan of his input. He left a lot of the decisions to us and director T. Hey, it's no R & J. Now THAT set kicked ASS!
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