Ok, as promised. Here are some better pix of
S's treatment of Titania's forest bower. These are still under worklights but the first shows the upholstered comfort in the forest. The center top pillow is actually a trapdoor to ditch the asshead during the scene.

This is how they look for most of the show, with two translucent burlap drapes with hanging moss and flowers closing it partially (or fully) off from view. When lit from inside, it's transparent; when lit from outside, the actors are hidden.

Here are the two tanks during maintenance. One of the actors who goes into the pool had scraped her ankle, drawing blood, thus necessitating the changing of the water in the pools. I suppose that's one way of getting hot water for your bath.
Note the great mud/moss paint job
S did under the clear liner of the tanks.
So I promise that these are the last backstage shots until I get show shots either from photo call, or on my own during the run.
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