
I saw the movie Venus on cable last night, and I couldn't help but see myself in it. Peter O'Toole plays an aged, reknowned actor of stage and screen, reduced to doing bad movies and cameo TV appearances (now THAT's a stretch of his acting abilities). He meets and develops a friendship with a brash young girl (late teens or early 20s) who uses him primarily as a sugar daddy, doling out personal liberties such as "you may smell my neck" or "you may kiss my shoulder, three times, no more!" to the physically neglected old man. You begin to wonder who's using who, when they each get something that they desperately need from the other. He gets a glimpse of the long-gone days of giving pleasure to a woman, and she gets friendship from somebody who shows her a glimpse of what she could become (along with new clothes and jewelry).
So how do we decide who's whoring out for who? He, who desperately wants the physical intimacy with a woman, and will pay his whole paycheck on wardrobe and jewels, only to have her run out for a night clubbing with friends, or she, who will dole out physical contact with various parts of her anatomy to get the swag, not admitting any fondness or attachment to the old man. I suppose it comes down to who you can relate to most. Me, I'm at the point in my life where I can readily identify with the old man. He is only looking to give a young lady a glimpse of a finer life than what she currently experiences, and, with both of them knowing that he is incapable of culminating a sexual relationship, she goes along with his enlightening excursions, doling out intimacies, knowing that that's the coin he wants in exchange for her indulgence.
How long do any of us have before we're old and alone, looking for any coin with which to barter some tenderness?
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