Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election day rant.

I did my civic duty. Now, where's a rock I can hide under until the decisions are final; in, what? three or four weeks? Where are the good old days of knowing the election results the next morning? I guess the politicians are just getting too good at finding new ways to rig elections. Gone are the days of a guy with a shotgun at the polling place, this is the era of fixing the eligibility or validity of voters. (Now that we've given the blacks the vote, lets make sure that their votes don't count, they'll just vote Democrat.)
It's more and more apparent that old Joe Stalin was a man ahead of his time when he said, "The people who vote decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything." Maybe the Republicans have just studied his methods better than we expected them too. After all, they are the party of "The ends justify the means" aka the "Win at any cost" party. Not that the Dems are much better, they just hide behind social conscience better. The Republicans hide behind hypocratic religious fervor.
Ok, I'm now off my soapbox, and disappearing under my rock. Knock when the decisions are done.


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