Mary Beaver
What a person.
She was sentenced last week for her embezelment from JVPro of Rockford. She was the bookkeeper for NAT for many years, and they went out of business after losing money hand over fist for years. Just sayin'
Here's the report from people in the courtroom.
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Well, Rod and I went to the sentencing yesterday, and wonder of
wonders, she was finally sentenced! I took notes because so much was
said; it was all very interesting. Both defense and prosecuting
attorneys were there...I'll just tell you what happened from my notes
in the order that I took them. There's one bit at the end I didn't
understand but I'm going to ask Jamie about it when we go to see
"Christmas Carol" on Saturday. Hey Diane, she was dressed kinda
frumpy and still had that severe haircut, shaved all around except
long on top,

So anyway, here goes, I'll just type what I have in my notes...
It was established that Mary is under on-going medical care for her
knee and takes the prescription drug Celebrex.
The State's Attorney argued for a jail sentence instead of probation
because of the severity/amount of money taken.
Defense said Mary does not dispute the amount of restitution that
would be needed: $45,384.32.
The Judge gave her the opportunity to take the stand under oath to
make her statement and possibly be cross-examined. She declined.
She was then given the opportunity to make informal remarks and that
she did do. She asked to make them not from the Defendant's table,
but to walk to the podium in front of the judge. Judge said OK. Rod
and I were the only people there and I'm wondering if she didn't want
us to hear, because when she started speaking she was practically
whispering...but I listened hard and I heard most of what she said.
She limped up to the podium and said she was very, very sorry for
what she did, no words can tell how sorry. I have no excuse but I
was stressed out, I had no money, my mortgage was [late or not paid]
and I made the wrong decision. I've worked 2 jobs for ten years, I've
tried to teach my children well, I have a job now and I work hard. I
will pay everyone back if I can keep my job. My family has medical
problems (more on that later) and my knee is bad. Then she broke
down crying. I'm ashamed, I help with my grandkids every weekend, I
want to be able to continue to do that but I can't if I'm not allowed
to keep my job. (She never said "if I go to jail", just "keep my
job"). I'm so sorry, how many times can I say I'm sorry.
Then the State's atty spoke: JVPro is not only out the $45,384.32
but also the expense of the audit that was done, plus other
expenses . And yes, she did "make the wrong decision", but for 16
months? She stole in a variety of ways, a multitude of ways. This is
a serious crime, he asked the Court to put her in jail. Said people
go to prison for a lot less than this, and she also has a long record
of traffic violations. He asked the Court for a jail sentence to
deter others from doing the same and thinking they won't go to jail.
Defense: you can't tie a sentence to just the amount of money taken.
(Wow, I thought you could...) There are "other things to consider"
here...Mary has no history of breaking the law, no criminal record.
(Well not written down, maybe.) He asked Court to understand how
taking the money could "snowball" over 16 months. (That was so lame
that it SOUNDED lame when he said it.) She has been a law-abiding
citizen up til now and this wasn't a violent crime. Let her keep her
job and pay the money back, she'll get a 2nd job (I thought she
already worked a second job..) and pay JVPro back. Her going to
prison would not benefit JVPro. She has a good job and recently got a
good performance evaluation, is an exemplary employee at JLClark. It
would be a tragedy if she loses that job. Allow her to continue, she
is remorseful and would agree to any conditions of probation that
would be set forth. Give us 45 days and she will make a substantial,
good-faith payment, her family members will help her.
Someone, either the judge or the State asked how much and Mary and
her atty put their heads together and said she would make a payment
of $10,000 but she needs 45 days.
Then it was the Judge's turn. (Rosemary Collins) She said she was
going to go ahead with the sentencing today because this has gone on
long enough or words to that effect. She said that people go to jail
for less than what you stole. Some people steal food, or gasoline,
and we send them to jail. You are worse than didn't steal
to feed an addiction, you just stole because you wanted more money!
Under cover of integrity, you stole over $45,000 from people who
trusted you. I would be justified to send you to prison; you
deliberately schemed to steal, you had an elaborate, clever scheme
and you were successful for a time...your cunning deceit is worse
than any street criminal. It was your business [to steal], because
you just wanted more money! This is a very serious offense, it was
deliberate, a systematic pattern of deceit. Times are tough right
now, but you started this before they got so tough. If you steal,
you get punished, but you have no prior criminal record, you've never
done this before (and then she looked at Mary and said "I hope that's
true?") (Yikes! Maybe she heard rumors about NAT too.) She told Mary
that her record of speeding/traffic violations shows a disrespect for
the law, but there's no theft record and so:
She got 4 years probation, must pay $10,000 within the next 45 days
and the remainder ($35,384.32) within two years. You made those
people suffer, now you have to give it all back. If that means a
second job or that you have to sell your house and get an apartment,
so be it. You may not drink any alcohol or take any drugs except
for prescriptions, and be careful with that because you say your
family has a history of drug abuse (that was probably said when she
was mumbling at the podium about her family having medical problems).
You must undergo any and all counseling the Probation Dept. wants you
to, and you will be regularly tested for drugs and alcohol. You may
not leave the State of Illinois except with written permission, and
you can't own any firearms. Must pay $25 per month in Probation
fees, plus $200 for a DNA testing. Must work full time. Also
sentenced her to 100 hours of Public Service but that won't start for
another 2 years until AFTER she has paid back all the money. The
Judge said that is so you can't say you haven't been able to earn
enough money to pay back because you have to spend so much time on
Public Service; that won't start until you've made restitution.
Then she said something about 6 months of jail time but that's the
part I'm not sure of and am going to ask Jamie about tomorrow.
So that's it folks. I'm done with Mary and her shenanigans. I
wouldn't want to be her...even she had to be humiliated by the things
said about her in court. I almost felt sorry for her, but not
quite. After hearing all that, I wondered why anyone would risk
running afoul of the law, it was horrid and humiliating.
So that's it. I thought some of you ex-co-workers might enjoy the update.