Sunday, July 29, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
I recently came across this comment on a Flickr page I often visit. It was the photographer defending her own semi-nude and tasteful fully nude photos.
"One thing I want to oppose above anything else on this site is the attitude of people who assume breasts and bottoms are 'tits and ass' no matter in what context - feminist, postmodernist, nude art, fine art; they are permanently, and derogatorily, 'tits and ass'.
They fail to recognise that the female anatomy exists on many different levels and not just what is seen by one social group who narrow-mindedly view woman, most often subconsciously, at their sexual disposal; as something that belongs to everyone except the woman who lives in it.
It's especially aggravating when these people think on a base-level, impenetrable wavelength, disallowing any different way of thinking even for one second because it, perhaps, is too much effort for them. Thankfully, most people on Flickr have the common sense to understand the simplicity of what I am arguing for.
But I think, therefore I upload. ...
All women have tits and an ass..."
And it got me thinking... as I often do when I'm bored (and I'm bored a lot recently).... about body perception. So the question I'm putting out here for whoever to to think about, or not; to answer or not:
What do you think about BREASTS? Female, Male, Yours, Others, Clothed, Un-clothed, Semi-clothed, Sexualized objects, Milk-delivery system. However you want to interpret this.
Me? I think about breasts a lot. I like breasts. I like to look at breasts. I love the infinte variety in shapes, sizes, colors, textures. They're not the sum of a woman's attractivness, not even a majority factor in what makes a woman attractive to me, but they're one of the first things a person notices about a woman (some could even argue THE first, since you can usually see the breasts even when the face is turned away or otherwise not visible), being prominently displayed out front, right below the face. I've also been raised that breasts are taboo to be touched. I've had casual female friends (as opposed to girlfriends) who had no problem with having their breasts touched, but it's something that has always been private and intimate, not to be done casually. Much as I would have liked to, and much as it was tacitly approved of, I could not bring myself to do it. My problem, I guess. I've even had girlfriends who put my hand on their breasts to let me know it's ok. Maybe that's what it takes.
I also don't have a problem with public display of breasts. Or breasts on TV. If they were more visible (how to say this without the double entendre inherent in the language), perhaps kids, guys would not be as repressed and obsessed with breasts (...tacit implication "as me.") as they are now. I'd rather see nudity or sex on TV than violence and blood, but that's somebody elses' decision, not mine. I choose not to display mine, but that's more a function of my weight than modesty. I've discovered that people don't like looking at large naked men (or even topless), so I don't inflict that on them. I do feel that if men can go around topless, women should be allowed to as well (and I believe that courts have upheld this belief where it's been challenged.) Hey, my boobs are bigger than some womens, why should theirs be restricted when mine aren't.
Oh well, enough for today, back into the closet.
"One thing I want to oppose above anything else on this site is the attitude of people who assume breasts and bottoms are 'tits and ass' no matter in what context - feminist, postmodernist, nude art, fine art; they are permanently, and derogatorily, 'tits and ass'.
They fail to recognise that the female anatomy exists on many different levels and not just what is seen by one social group who narrow-mindedly view woman, most often subconsciously, at their sexual disposal; as something that belongs to everyone except the woman who lives in it.
It's especially aggravating when these people think on a base-level, impenetrable wavelength, disallowing any different way of thinking even for one second because it, perhaps, is too much effort for them. Thankfully, most people on Flickr have the common sense to understand the simplicity of what I am arguing for.
But I think, therefore I upload. ...
All women have tits and an ass..."
And it got me thinking... as I often do when I'm bored (and I'm bored a lot recently).... about body perception. So the question I'm putting out here for whoever to to think about, or not; to answer or not:
What do you think about BREASTS? Female, Male, Yours, Others, Clothed, Un-clothed, Semi-clothed, Sexualized objects, Milk-delivery system. However you want to interpret this.
Me? I think about breasts a lot. I like breasts. I like to look at breasts. I love the infinte variety in shapes, sizes, colors, textures. They're not the sum of a woman's attractivness, not even a majority factor in what makes a woman attractive to me, but they're one of the first things a person notices about a woman (some could even argue THE first, since you can usually see the breasts even when the face is turned away or otherwise not visible), being prominently displayed out front, right below the face. I've also been raised that breasts are taboo to be touched. I've had casual female friends (as opposed to girlfriends) who had no problem with having their breasts touched, but it's something that has always been private and intimate, not to be done casually. Much as I would have liked to, and much as it was tacitly approved of, I could not bring myself to do it. My problem, I guess. I've even had girlfriends who put my hand on their breasts to let me know it's ok. Maybe that's what it takes.
I also don't have a problem with public display of breasts. Or breasts on TV. If they were more visible (how to say this without the double entendre inherent in the language), perhaps kids, guys would not be as repressed and obsessed with breasts (...tacit implication "as me.") as they are now. I'd rather see nudity or sex on TV than violence and blood, but that's somebody elses' decision, not mine. I choose not to display mine, but that's more a function of my weight than modesty. I've discovered that people don't like looking at large naked men (or even topless), so I don't inflict that on them. I do feel that if men can go around topless, women should be allowed to as well (and I believe that courts have upheld this belief where it's been challenged.) Hey, my boobs are bigger than some womens, why should theirs be restricted when mine aren't.
Oh well, enough for today, back into the closet.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
A waste of time
Well, money's really getting tight this month. I'm getting to the point where I'm seriously considering getting a factory job. Theatre just can't pay me what I need while freelancing, and nobody wants to hire somebody with my skills at my age and pay rate. And how long before the Unemployment runs out? As much as I really hate to consider it, how can I turn down $12 an hour (and up) for a factory job. A mind numbing, repetitive, soul killingly dull factory job. D works at a pharmaceutical packaging plant now. He's one of the smartest people there, and has worked his way up to line supervisor in only 6 or 9 months or so, with all the overtime he wants. He says that they always are looking for new workers, and I'm pretty sure I can get onto 2nd or 3rd shift, more to my body clock, and more money. But then I started to wonder if all this past time I've just been wasting my time in a frivolous moribund career.
Or I'll move to Vegas and play poker, win millions of dollars, fame, recognition, and kill myself with drugs and booze. (I just saw a TV biography of Stu Ungar. Look him up.)
Deyr fé,
deyja frændr,
deyr sjalfr it sama,
ek veit einn
at aldrei deyr:
dómr um dauðan hvern.
Or I'll move to Vegas and play poker, win millions of dollars, fame, recognition, and kill myself with drugs and booze. (I just saw a TV biography of Stu Ungar. Look him up.)
Deyr fé,
deyja frændr,
deyr sjalfr it sama,
ek veit einn
at aldrei deyr:
dómr um dauðan hvern.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Well, still no hits on the resumes I've sent out. There is one possibility here in town though. The old building, having been sold to the guy that runs the Coronado Theatre (big Italianate Vaudeville house/road house), is donating it to the city to run, and I'm making inquiries about being the tech guy on staff there. I'm not thrilled about staying in Rockford, but I'm less thrilled about moving.
S and I went to a local bar to watch the final table of the WSOP on Pay-per-view the other night. Fun hanging out with her, but ESPN (of course) didn't broadcast the hole cards of the table, so with the action being slightly slower than molasses, It was not a riveting evening of entertainment (You don't really realize how much dead time is edited out of a game for re-broadcast.). I don't mind not seeing the hole cards, but the action has to move. But with 5 million dollars on the line, I'd dither and delay just as much, I guess.
As I've said before, I've been playing Play Money at Full Tilt Poker. I'm up to about 37K in Play money. They start you at 1,ooo. I'm getting closer to putting actual money in to play for real. Maybe my next design fee will donate $50.
This morning I had my first really exciting showdown at a One-table tourney. I usually play the one-table (9 players) 250 (Play) Dollar buy-in. Without too much trouble, I can make it into the money of the final three. Today I was chip leader and everybody went all in, me with trip 8's. Blew me away that an 8 came on the river. HAAA! So much for their Full Houses.
So I've read a couple of books and biographies. Annie Duke's was pretty fascinating.
She gave up a doctorate program in psycho-linquistics (how we learn languages) to play poker, because the stress of college was killing her stomach. She started playing poker in Billings Montana and cleaned up 'cause those good-ol'-boy cowboys weren't gonna let a girl beat 'em. She's now the top female money winner at the WSOP and one of the top players in the world. And cute too, for a mother of 4!
So I'm running the show up in Beloit tonight. I think Saturday is Photocall, so I may have some pics to post from that. Again, if I ever get to a hot spot for a length of time.
S and I went to a local bar to watch the final table of the WSOP on Pay-per-view the other night. Fun hanging out with her, but ESPN (of course) didn't broadcast the hole cards of the table, so with the action being slightly slower than molasses, It was not a riveting evening of entertainment (You don't really realize how much dead time is edited out of a game for re-broadcast.). I don't mind not seeing the hole cards, but the action has to move. But with 5 million dollars on the line, I'd dither and delay just as much, I guess.
As I've said before, I've been playing Play Money at Full Tilt Poker. I'm up to about 37K in Play money. They start you at 1,ooo. I'm getting closer to putting actual money in to play for real. Maybe my next design fee will donate $50.
This morning I had my first really exciting showdown at a One-table tourney. I usually play the one-table (9 players) 250 (Play) Dollar buy-in. Without too much trouble, I can make it into the money of the final three. Today I was chip leader and everybody went all in, me with trip 8's. Blew me away that an 8 came on the river. HAAA! So much for their Full Houses.
So I've read a couple of books and biographies. Annie Duke's was pretty fascinating.

So I'm running the show up in Beloit tonight. I think Saturday is Photocall, so I may have some pics to post from that. Again, if I ever get to a hot spot for a length of time.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Depressed, but busy
Haven't really had a lot of time online recently. Wife has gotten back into a game that we finished a LONG time ago, Diablo (the first one). It's a great little hack and slash dungeon romp, great way to relieve stress. So I'm not getting as much computer time as I used to. And I'm up in Beloit working a bit, and they won't give us (temporary summer people) a code key for their wi-fi, so it's a coffeeshop down the hill.
The other big news is that the Artistic Director of the theatre up there has been fired by the board of Directors. Seems he ran his car into a light pole. DUI. His 5th. He's facing a big fine and serious Jail time, as they're prosecuting it as a Felony. And here I thought he was on the wagon. His role got replaced quickly, but they're still looking for a new director for the last show of the season, and a replacement for his character in it (yes, he was directing and acting in the show).
So far, things are stumbling along ok without him. I think the show is better with the replacement, though it's still not great (Several really bad (or questionable) casting choices).
I've been getting into Full Tilt Poker pretty seriously (well, as seriously as I can get without spending any real money). I'm playing tourneys, usually one-table, either 6 or 9 player, or 90 person multi-table tourneys. I'm usually in the money (top 3) in the single tables, and once I've finished 4th in the big one. Tonight, for the first time, I played in a "Free Roll" tourney. Without spending any money, you get the chance to win REAL money. The tourney was limited to 2700 players. It filled up in about 20 seconds. I made it to 744. Not bad for a first time. That was just after (the first hand after) the one hour break. I'll continue to play those, hoping to make it to the final 27 to make it into the money (2 dollars for the last 18 places, up to only 15 dollars for 1st place.), but I'd imagine that the whole thing'd take about 3 hours to finish. But that's the only way I can see, at this point, of getting real money to play with.
It's hot and muggy here. I need to get out and do yard work, before I get one of those nasty hate letters from the city. But I have so little energy in this heat, especially on my days off. I hate the lawn police. Maybe I'll move to Albuquerque where they don't have grass.
I've tried three times to post a blog/survey thingy at MySpace, but each time it crashes and won't save. I'm about to give up on that glitchy service. Once I get to a hotspot, I'll also try to post some more pics to flickr. (Yeah, I can hear you now, "Promises, Promises".)
The other big news is that the Artistic Director of the theatre up there has been fired by the board of Directors. Seems he ran his car into a light pole. DUI. His 5th. He's facing a big fine and serious Jail time, as they're prosecuting it as a Felony. And here I thought he was on the wagon. His role got replaced quickly, but they're still looking for a new director for the last show of the season, and a replacement for his character in it (yes, he was directing and acting in the show).
So far, things are stumbling along ok without him. I think the show is better with the replacement, though it's still not great (Several really bad (or questionable) casting choices).
I've been getting into Full Tilt Poker pretty seriously (well, as seriously as I can get without spending any real money). I'm playing tourneys, usually one-table, either 6 or 9 player, or 90 person multi-table tourneys. I'm usually in the money (top 3) in the single tables, and once I've finished 4th in the big one. Tonight, for the first time, I played in a "Free Roll" tourney. Without spending any money, you get the chance to win REAL money. The tourney was limited to 2700 players. It filled up in about 20 seconds. I made it to 744. Not bad for a first time. That was just after (the first hand after) the one hour break. I'll continue to play those, hoping to make it to the final 27 to make it into the money (2 dollars for the last 18 places, up to only 15 dollars for 1st place.), but I'd imagine that the whole thing'd take about 3 hours to finish. But that's the only way I can see, at this point, of getting real money to play with.
It's hot and muggy here. I need to get out and do yard work, before I get one of those nasty hate letters from the city. But I have so little energy in this heat, especially on my days off. I hate the lawn police. Maybe I'll move to Albuquerque where they don't have grass.
I've tried three times to post a blog/survey thingy at MySpace, but each time it crashes and won't save. I'm about to give up on that glitchy service. Once I get to a hotspot, I'll also try to post some more pics to flickr. (Yeah, I can hear you now, "Promises, Promises".)