Sunday, May 13, 2007

still no news

All week I've been upbeat and optimistic. I'm sure I'm gonna get that NIU job. There's no other potential outcome. Then, round about Thursday or Friday, I start getting a flurry of people asking if there was any news?, heard anything yet? etc. That really started me thinking about it, and questioning it. It's been three weeks since my interview, and I still haven't heard anything. I know, and I keep repeating to myself what they told me, I was the first interview, so I have the longest to wait. But I also know that they had at most only two more interviews to do. They were scheduling interviews on Tues. and Thursdays, and even if the others were a full week apart, the last one would have just been last week. Grrr.
patience grasshopper. Center yourself, keep breathing.

It's helped that I've been busy this past week. Red Herring has finally opened. There were issues that I've been dealing with all week, antique equipment issues that kept me in there at least a little bit every day. But we got a good review from the Daily Rag reviewer, who hates farce. Now I have just a little bit of a break before I have to start thinking about Charlie Brown, the first show up in Beloit this summer. You're A Good Man Charlie Brown was the first show that I EVER worked on, way back in Jr. High school. Maybe 8th or 9th grade. I then never touched theatre until college. The show originated in the mid 60s, but was revived on Broadway a few years ago with Kristin Chenowith (and BD Wong). We're doing the revival. It's got some new songs, and changes and "updating" of some of the old ones. I can't say I like the changes. They try to update the music for a younger hipper crowd, but it doesn't mesh with the older more whimsical stuff. Of course, I still always hear the Vince Gueraldi music for the TV specials. Anyway, the first production meeting is next Friday. The same night as one of the infamous Cobb Parties! (yea! hooray! Binge Drinking Alert!)
I've also gotten myself wrapped up in this years Mayors Arts Award show at the local roadhouse theater, the Coronado. It's a non-paying gig, and I'm not sure how I managed to get roped into it. oh well, it's for a friend. So that has it's first meeting this week sometime, I think Wed. morning (MORNING! I'm even doing mornings for these people for a non-paying gig! Am I crazy?)
So lets talk about the weather. Great weather, it's been in the 80s this week, and sunny. Fantastic.
Well that's it for now. When I hear more, I'll post it here first. Ok well, maybe about third or fourth.
Happy Mothers Day to you, Amanda, you're the only mother that I know of that reads this blog even occasionally. And even if it is a US holiday, you deserve the recognition.
And a Happy Plain-old-Everyday to the rest of us non-breeders.


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