It's funny to read my last couple of posts and then compare that to what really happened. Wow. Bridegroom. Well, they stayed behind schedule (well, according to them, it wasn't as behind as they usually were...) all the way up to opening. I finally saw a run-thru the Tuesday before opening, but there was still a scene that hadn't been blocked yet. The Director didn't want to throw too much at the kids all at once, so added scenes in stages, and finally felt that they could handle it on Tuesday night. So I cued the scene based on the description of what the director wanted to do, and the first half that I'd already seen. Unfortuneately, I had to shift over to Morrie after that night.
So I never saw the final show, it only ran 4 performances, while Morrie was in Tech. I'm waiting for pictures. Last night I got a really nice thank you card signed by all the kids. Really nice.
Morrie has been great. Well, as shows about death and dying go, it's been great. I got the cues written and roughed in by Friday night, and Saturday's tech went smoothly. I've spent the last few days tweaking, and have one more focus touch to do, but I think I'm done there. Oh, yeah, the title, expectations. Well, it seems that the student worker who was going to hang the plot for us, decided that he was going to be an English major after all, and has not been seen since. He at least got all the lighting instruments to the theatre, ready to hang (since a lot of them were probably in the air of the mainstage theatre, it was actually a big help. Last time, I ended up on the loading gallery re-weighting battons after taking all the lights off the pipe. Not fun.). But, all in all, hang and focus were pretty uneventful.
I still haven't started my taxes. I guess next week, after Morrie is up and running. I used to be able to have my money in my account by my birthday, but now I can't even get it filed by then. I also have been loosening up about my birthday I guess. When Jen was here I discovered that we had the same birthday, and told her so. Too bad she's not here to celebrate with. oh well. One of the actors also had a party last week and his wife's birthday was the day after mine. Stupid me mentioned this to her, and she drunkenly decided to announce it to the room. who then proceded to sing. I hate that. Oh well. The lighting designer for Stones in his Pockets last year, gave me a gift certificate for a local fine restaurant as a thank you. It expired in a year, coincidentally, on my birthday this year. It sat in my desk for a year, so last week I decided to take S out for a nice luncheon treat. Unfortunately, she couldn't make it for the last day of the certificate, but the next. We did that. It ended up being ok since the certificate didn't have the YEAR of the expiration on it, only the month and day. Stupid restaurant. We had a really nice sushi luncheon for relatively cheap. Yes, she's gotten me to appreciate sushi, something Wife will never understand. And I got to catch up with S, who I'm lucky to see once a week nowadays. I miss her.
Hockey again this Friday. I'm gonna take a pass on the opening of Morrie, and hit the after party. This may be one of the last games I'll get to see this season. Next season, who knows where I'll be.

Morrie has been great. Well, as shows about death and dying go, it's been great. I got the cues written and roughed in by Friday night, and Saturday's tech went smoothly. I've spent the last few days tweaking, and have one more focus touch to do, but I think I'm done there. Oh, yeah, the title, expectations. Well, it seems that the student worker who was going to hang the plot for us, decided that he was going to be an English major after all, and has not been seen since. He at least got all the lighting instruments to the theatre, ready to hang (since a lot of them were probably in the air of the mainstage theatre, it was actually a big help. Last time, I ended up on the loading gallery re-weighting battons after taking all the lights off the pipe. Not fun.). But, all in all, hang and focus were pretty uneventful.
I still haven't started my taxes. I guess next week, after Morrie is up and running. I used to be able to have my money in my account by my birthday, but now I can't even get it filed by then. I also have been loosening up about my birthday I guess. When Jen was here I discovered that we had the same birthday, and told her so. Too bad she's not here to celebrate with. oh well. One of the actors also had a party last week and his wife's birthday was the day after mine. Stupid me mentioned this to her, and she drunkenly decided to announce it to the room. who then proceded to sing. I hate that. Oh well. The lighting designer for Stones in his Pockets last year, gave me a gift certificate for a local fine restaurant as a thank you. It expired in a year, coincidentally, on my birthday this year. It sat in my desk for a year, so last week I decided to take S out for a nice luncheon treat. Unfortunately, she couldn't make it for the last day of the certificate, but the next. We did that. It ended up being ok since the certificate didn't have the YEAR of the expiration on it, only the month and day. Stupid restaurant. We had a really nice sushi luncheon for relatively cheap. Yes, she's gotten me to appreciate sushi, something Wife will never understand. And I got to catch up with S, who I'm lucky to see once a week nowadays. I miss her.
Hockey again this Friday. I'm gonna take a pass on the opening of Morrie, and hit the after party. This may be one of the last games I'll get to see this season. Next season, who knows where I'll be.
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