Mars/Venus aphorisms
Recenly I've been thinking about sex. Quelle surprise! There's a line from the show we're doing that follows...
“Men will happily have sex with someone they don’t like. Women won’t. Obviously that’s not a hundred percent true, but kind of it is, and why? Why are men sleeping with people they don’t like? Is sex that much more fun for men than women, that they’d do it with just anyone? That would be one conclusion. The other would be that maybe men don’t have enough to think about.” Theresa Rebeck “Bad Dates”
Then, the other day, I cam across the following on another blog (no, I don't recall which).
Men need to have sex in order to feel that they’re loved. Women need to feel loved before they have sex.
And yet another pithy, overgeneralisation that I came up with a few years ago...
Is there any truth in any of these aphorisms? Those of us that fall into the 'imperfect looks' category hinge all our hopes on that last one.
Personally, I've never had sex with somebody I didn't like a lot. There are a few I probably could have, but I never took sex that lightly. Being repressed, inexperienced, and shy, I usually ended up in the 'just friends' camp before the subject of sex even reared it's ugly little one-eyed head.
A few posts ago, I mentioned a second movie that started me thinking. It was Kinsey, with Liam Neeson. Now, of course, I don't remember any of the pithy comments I had in store for that discussion, but it really started me thinking about how women view sex. Perhaps the difference is in the act itself. The man is the invader, penetrating the woman. (I was also going to say, leaving the woman in a 'legs-splayed' vulnerable position, but that precludes the 'woman-on-top' position, putting lie to that whole premise.).
I vaguely remember one comparison of the sex response between men and women. Men have a higher 'standard' drive, normal everyday existance, while women's drive is much lower. During sex, however, the orgasm for men peaks quickly and then tapers off right away, while the woman will have a slower build, to a higher peak, or more aptly, plateau, which lasts longer. So women have stronger orgasms than men, but the journey to get there is a longer trip, men are half way there, all the time.
Something to ponder...
Of course these are just glaring generalizations, and all people are different in their responses, both physical and emotional.
>And we won't even open the can of worms about hedonism...
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