Weekend Update. Or is that trademarked by Saturday NIght Lethargy
T'was an eventful weekend, or at least the first half of it. Saturday was the second HMS/Wandering Sons concert. No pics this time, it looked much the same as the last one. They played a few of the same songs, but for the most part, they played new stuff. Again, they were joined by Rick Nielson and Bun Carlos from Cheap Trick. So after the show, I booked out as fast as I could and headed out to the Stateline Area Theatre Party. It was booked as a sing-for-your-supper party, where you had to perform for 30-60 seconds of anything, or do something else to help out for the party (such as build footlights, rig stage lights, and help build the stage). 
(Yes, that's left over scenery from Mid- summer) Of course, all the acts were done by the time I got there, almost midnight. As a matter of fact there were only a dozen or so people left when I got there. S, exTD (I guess I'd better start calling him B, so it doesn't look like I'm saying sex.), our Marketing person and her husband, U and his wife. No Boss, since I left him to lock up the building (HA HA!). I also found myself drinking heavily. I met several of A's very eccentric and colorful roommates. I got home about 3, much to Wifes consternation.
Sunday was supposed to be going out and cleaning up and taking down the set after the party. An hour before I was to go out and help, A called and said that it was already done. He said the wind picked up about 10 and did it for us. Amazingly, he said, that it was almost slow motion. A very controlled fall, that took out a few of the chairs, but didn't damage any of my lights. So strike was taken care of, and A told me to take the day off. Cool.
This morning I had to wrestle with Unemployment people. I missed a call date to re-open my claim that had been closed, not just made inactive. So I've filed my appeal and we'll see if I get my last weeks claim amount. After that, work was lots of little projects, sorting a new cable donation, and starting to sort and put away gel, prior to doing my fall inventory. I hate inventory, but I force myself to do it twice a year anyway.

(Yes, that's left over scenery from Mid- summer) Of course, all the acts were done by the time I got there, almost midnight. As a matter of fact there were only a dozen or so people left when I got there. S, exTD (I guess I'd better start calling him B, so it doesn't look like I'm saying sex.), our Marketing person and her husband, U and his wife. No Boss, since I left him to lock up the building (HA HA!). I also found myself drinking heavily. I met several of A's very eccentric and colorful roommates. I got home about 3, much to Wifes consternation.
Sunday was supposed to be going out and cleaning up and taking down the set after the party. An hour before I was to go out and help, A called and said that it was already done. He said the wind picked up about 10 and did it for us. Amazingly, he said, that it was almost slow motion. A very controlled fall, that took out a few of the chairs, but didn't damage any of my lights. So strike was taken care of, and A told me to take the day off. Cool.
This morning I had to wrestle with Unemployment people. I missed a call date to re-open my claim that had been closed, not just made inactive. So I've filed my appeal and we'll see if I get my last weeks claim amount. After that, work was lots of little projects, sorting a new cable donation, and starting to sort and put away gel, prior to doing my fall inventory. I hate inventory, but I force myself to do it twice a year anyway.
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