On the Verge pix

Ok this is the first try at posting with a Flickr image. We'll see how it goes (Nope, didn't work as well as just uploading them.). These are two of my shots from On the Verge. I may replace them when I get the professional shots. So, needless to say, I've started a Flickr page for my photos. It's not so hot when I'm home on dialup. But at work... WowWowWow. A couple of the shots have really suffered between media. The one of Becky in the hospice is particularly Crappy. It was shot with a disposable, and either scanned from print, or from a Floppy disk. Don't bother enlarging it, it only gets crappier. I may find a better shot.
I had another restless night last night, asleep at 3 up at 4, asleep at 6:30 up at 7:30, blah blah. So, as usual when I'm wide awake in the middle of the night, I log on and write emails that I shouldn't. At least now I'm learning, I didn't put the address on it, and saved it as a draft. Maybe in a month or so I'll send it. Maybe, maybe not, Maybe, maybe not (you just have to imagine the choreography that goes with that one.) After it won't matter if I destroy another relationship by being honest.
Weather is hot here. Turned on the AC last night. Approaching 90 this weekend. Tonight is a T-bone on the grill for our Anniversary. Monday is grilling at a friends for Memorial Day.
Draft is a really good folder. When you gonna get a tattoo??
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