Thursday, May 11, 2006

A Good Thing

It may indeed be a good thing that I've stopped my dialup service at home. I can no longer lay in bed and surf or post here, but likewise, I also cannot log on at 3 or 4 in the morning, after I've been drinking, and write emails that seem like a good idea at the time, but a few hours later seem like they'd best be kept unwritten. Such was the case this past weekend. While cutting loose after a show at AET, I was tempted to tell a certain young lady how I feel about her (no, not E, I know how that'd go!). She'd been bemoaning her dating woes, and I was loose enough to think sharing might be a good idea.
Saved by lack of internet service. Will I never learn just to keep my mouth shut?
In other news, I've discovered THE place to go for drinks. After Sunday's Pope show at NAT, S , TD and I went out to a local gay bar (under recent new management). I ordered a double Captain Morgan, straight up. She started to put ice in a glass, before I reminded her what straight up means. She was dumbfounded. I was puzzled, until I realized that she was filling the glass to the same level she would have if it had been filled with ice. In short, she FILLED a small coke glass with rum. We're talking at least a triple, more realisticly, a quadruple! Zowie! Then she told me how much it was. $6.50. 8-) At either of the snooty places closer to the theatre, they charge 4-5 dollars for a SHOT of liquor. I was expecting $7 for a double shot, and got THIS. Now that was a score! Made my weekend. Now THAT was a celebration for 200 posts.

Well, today was my first day back at TOMMY. It was also the first show without an Understudy! That's right, EVERY show up to now has had an understudy on. First laryngitis, then some strange drug allergy, then wedding planning out of town, all culled at least one person out of the show. All in all, it looked and sounded really good. All for about 70 blue-haired old ladies. Now I'm back at the college, ready to go home, at 2:30 am, since I can log on here. But I think that Verge may finally be done. At least for today, though I won't be seeing it again, having to run TOMMY for the rest of the nights. I can still do notes, but not take them myself.


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