Friday, August 26, 2005

Who knew?

Well, I guess a lot of people really, it's kinda a cliche.
Yes, everything is funnier when it involves a nun.
Nun humor. Lots of potential, lots of common experiences shared by many many ex catholic schoolkids. Lots of nun comedy shows already out there though, How many NUNSENSE versions are there now? But I don't recall seeing a Catholic Bingo night premise for a show before.
I'm refering to the fundraiser show we did tonight at the theater. Sister Bernie's Bingo Bash. Their bingo hall got demolished, so they're taking their bingo game on the road. Seven games for each of the seven deadly sins, with prizes to combat those sins. Great improv comedy, pretty talented actors (ok, one really good one, one pretty good one, and one ok one. And yes, that could also be read as a pretty, good one.)(pay no attention to me, I'm just sticking around and drinking the night away.)

Again, a pretty busy day for a day off. I got the video computer hooked up after all, while TD was finishing the projection screen, helped hang the screen (weighed a ton! took 4 of us), then focused the projector on the screen. Loaded the PowerPoint show that I built from his slides, and lo and behold, the slides looked really RED. I viewed the original pix from his disk, and same thing. some setting must be really off. So I ended up running the show from my laptop. AGAIN. Though I was worried because I hadn't seen my "renew your Norton subscripton now" popup yet today. sure enough, just as the house was opening, Up it came telling me that I only have 12 more days to renew. Not too bad, only a few people saw it. Then, two minutes before the show was to start, Up pops the auto-scanner. D'oh. never fails. I had had my laptop on all afternoon, waiting for it to popup, but it waited for the second worst time to do it. who says computers are dumb.

Alright, tomorrow is another day another 7 bingo games. and a buttload more stuff to do before Monday. I guess I gotta stop drinking now, too, and go home.


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